Dear, Inspiring Girl. :')

Untuk pertama kalinya di dalam hidup gue, gue menemukan hal - hal positif terlahir dari sosok perempuan yang penuh dengan energi positif :')

That was you Sasa, Annisa Azzahra.. you are one of a kind.

You are always spread your smiles and happiness to everyone. Everyone. Even they are hurt you, sometimes. But you're just still fine with that things.Very proud being a part of your life :')

Sa. lu harus sadar berapa banyak perubahan di hidup gue yang semuanya terjadi karena elu, berkat elu. Lu selalu bersemangat ngajak gue untuk lebih baik lagi, bikin gue lebih punya harapan lebih dalam menjalani hidup. Tanpa gue cerita banyak, entah kenapa gue selalu merasa lu bener - bener paham apa yang gue rasain, dan selalu merangkul gue untuk selalu 'bahagia' :)


Sa, masih inget wacana project2 kita?:') ada satu yang paling gue inget diantara semuanya, yaitu "Ayo Bahagia". Lu seakan ngajak banyak orang buat selalu bersyukur sama apa yang udah kita dapet dari Tuhan. You are the sweetest and kindest person, i cant even imagine my life without you.

Cuma sama elu, gue selalu punya harapan lebih tentang masa depan. Being out of the box. Lu selalu melibatkan gue di dalam mimpi - mimpi elu. Gue selalu merasa punya potensi yang lebih baik saat gue bersama elu. Lu harus tau, Tuhan begitu baik menemukan lu dengan gue:') i am so blessed.

I am so sorry If I'm not that perfect for you. I can't always be beside you, help what you needs. Wipe your tears when you are feeling sad. But, please as long as I can help, shared your problems with me. 

I wont you to get hurt by everyone. 

Everytime I heard someone make you feeling down, suddenly I hate that person. Sometimes. peoples are just too full of hate. They dont really get it what you've been done. They're just judging you that much.

But, dont too worry about everything.
You're blessed.
You're inspiring many many peoples.
Everyone is inpired by your thoughts, personality, and your beautiful heart :)
Everyone's loving you.

If I could back to the time when I first met you, i'd just want to hold you tight and saying thank you so much for choosing me to be your partner. Thank you for guiding me to be a better person in many ways.thank you for sharing the thoughts, 

Last but not least, I often do something that makes you sad. I am sorry for that, i'm not supposed to be like that. If I have to leave one day when God ask me to do, please take care of your health, your life, your family, your friends. And believe one thing, you are perfect enough to be you. You're full of blessings, i hope everything the best for you my pretty girl!

I hope this friendship would be stay longer and forever until we're met again in another life.

I can't say it by words.

But I write it down here. Hoping that you are get it what I feel :')

image by @ruangsasa
